Bicycle march on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and solidarity with the steadfast Palestinian and Lebanese people

Bicycle march on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and solidarity with the steadfast Palestinian and Lebanese people

The “diyarouna” Association, in cooperation with the municipality of Tire, organized a bicycle march on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and solidarity with the steadfast Palestinian and Lebanese people, in the presence of representatives of Lebanese and Palestinian activities and representatives of associations, institutions, schools and universities. The march was opened by the representative of the municipality of Tire, Mr. Ali Farran, with a speech on the 76th anniversary of the Nakba. And in support of the steadfastness of the Lebanese and Palestinian people, the march began, led by the Tire Municipal Police, the fire brigades in the camps, the health intervention unit, and the participants’ bicycles. The march traveled along the Islamic University Street and concluded the march in Tire Park.

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