The importance of healthy food, especially breakfast. We explained to them how important this meal is at the beginning of the day, and the necessity of avoiding eating unhealthy foods such as Indomie, chips, and chocolate, because they have negative effects on their health. It opened a space for drawing healthy foods, which contributed to enhancing their understanding of the importance of proper nutrition.

The importance of healthy food, especially breakfast. We explained to them how important this meal is at the beginning of the day, and the necessity of avoiding eating unhealthy foods such as Indomie, chips, and chocolate, because they have negative effects on their health. It opened a space for drawing healthy foods, which contributed to enhancing their understanding of the importance of proper nutrition.

The importance of healthy food, especially breakfast. We explained to them how important this meal is at the beginning of the day, and the necessity of avoiding eating unhealthy foods such as Indomie, chips, and chocolate, because they have negative effects on their health.
It opened a space for drawing healthy foods, which contributed to enhancing their understanding of the importance of proper nutrition.

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