Conclusion of the sewing and detailing course at Diyarouna Association

Conclusion of the sewing and detailing course at Diyarouna Association

*Diyarouna* Association concluded the sewing and detailing course that was organized for a group of girls within the *Salamatna* project over a period of two months. The course included teaching sewing and detailing skills and practical application on industrial machines. The closing ceremony was held on Thursday, July 4, 2024, beginning with honoring the supervisor, Sumaya Al-Siddiq, who has been working for years on teaching and transferring knowledge in the field of Palestinian sewing and embroidery. She also worked on transferring the experience to many centers, institutes, and institutions over many years, after which the trainer was honored. The session concluded at the association’s headquarters by presenting training certificates to the girls who attended with dresses of their own work.

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