Opening of the first day of Diyaruna Youth Camp entitled “Young men and women are leaders”
Opening of the first day of Diyaruna Youth Camp entitled “Young men and women are leaders”
Opening of the first day of Diyaruna Youth Camp entitled “Young men and women are leaders”
Citizen Pen and Telephone Lens Young people will present their stories and issues as digital content capable of influencing and inspiring society. Citizen journalism workshop / digital content creation Shared by Amani Hamdan Al-Amin
جلسة السيدات الأسبوعية في ديارنا حول مرض “رمد العيون” أسبابه وطرق الوقاية منه. Women’s weekly session at Diyarouna on “ophthalmia” disease, its causes and methods of prevention.
إختتمت جمعية ديارنا يوم الاثنين ٢١آب ٢٠٢٣ النشاط الصيفي المخصص لليافعين برحلة إلى منتزهات بدياس وكانت الأجواء مليئة بالفرح . On Monday, August 21, 2023, the Diyarouna Association concluded the summer activity for young people with a trip to Bidias p, and the atmosphere was full of joy.
جلسة السيدات الأسبوعية في ديارنا حول موضوع التلوث وأنواعه وتأثيره على الحياة.. Women’s weekly session at Diyarouna on the topic of pollution, its types and its impact on life.
Diyaruna concludes the summer activity “Discovering Careers”… Diyaruna Association concluded the summer activity dedicated to adolescents, which included learning many specializations and skills, ranging from engineering skills, makeup, self-care, sewing, computers, cooking, accessories, jewelry making, and environmental agriculture. An exhibition of adolescents’ achievements was organized, highlighting the importance of discovering professions. And during the ceremony … Read more
The final day of summer activity at Diyaruna Association Sewing group, visiting Umm Jalal Al-Siddiq
The final day of summer activity at Diyaruna Association Accessories set
The final day of summer activity at Diyaruna Association Cooking set
The final day of summer activity at Diyaruna Association Computer set